(203) 626-2239
Serving the people of the bateyes and barrios in the DR through local partnerships since 1990.
Biosand Water Filters
The DR Mission Team and the Wallingford Rotary Club have a long history of working with the Good Samaritan Hospital in La Romana, DR, to help some of the poorest people in the world.
"Eighty percent of diseases in the developing world are caused by the lack of water and appropriate sanitation," said UNESCO-IHE rector András Szöllösi-Nagy. Bio-sand water filters will meet the basic needs of providing clean, safe water to thousands of people living in the sugar-cane villages (bateyes) and barrios surrounding La Romana, Dominican Republic.
These plastic or concrete filters cost only $100 each to make, will provide clean water for up to 18 people in their homes, and will last for 25 years! This program is following the guidelines as laid out by the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology, based in Calgary.
More than 1.1 billion people around the world do not have access to clean drinking water, and waterborne illness is the cause of death of over 4,400 people per day, most of them children under the age of five.
Access to clean water is a huge problem for the poor in La Romana, DR. A water engineer recently tested the drinking water in 53 bateyes, and 50 of those wells were contaminated.
For more information and to get involved in providing clean water for the very poor, please email or call the DR Mission Team at 203-626-2239.