(203) 626-2239
Serving the people of the bateyes and barrios in the DR through local partnerships since 1990.
The Fall 2015 class, 26 students strong, helped build one of the final houses in Batey 50, distributed food on New Year's Day, and much more. Read the Fall 2015 blogs!
This was the largest QU301DR class – 32 students – that met in two sections during the Fall 2014 semester and travelled together in December/January. Despite their size, this group became very close and had a powerful learning experience. Read about their experience in the DR during the first week of July 2014.
The Spring 2015 class was able to take part in projects such as construction, medical clinics, food distribution, educational programs, and more. Read their personal blogs here.
This class traveled to the Dominican Republic over the summer of 2014 after taking the in class portion during Spring semester. Read about what each student has to say about their experience!
This class offered the QU301DR experience through multiple meetings in the spring semester and via online interaction during the summer leading up to the trip. Read about their experience in the DR during the first week of July 2014.
This was the first class to travel to the Dominican Republic from Quinnipiac University. Each experience from the QU301DR trip is different, which is why each class has their own blog to follow their specific experience. Read the Fall 2012 blog.
Similar to the previous class, this group of students went ot the Dominican Republic. Except, their experiences differ from the class prior. Click this link to follow this class's experience.