(203) 626-2239
Serving the people of the bateyes and barrios in the DR through local partnerships since 1990.
About the DR Mission Team
Since 1990, the DR Mission Team has has led mission/work trips to serve alongside local partners in La Romana, Dominican Republic. Originally started as a ministry of The First Baptist Church of Wallingford, Connecticut, these trips have had a tremendous impact on the thousands of volunteers who have served in La Romana. Projects over the years have included the building of El Buen Samaritano Hospital, providing desperately needed medical clinics, building new homes in Batey 50 and Batey La Papita, construction and assistance at the Joe Hartman School, food distribution and nutrition, and many other related projects. This effort extends far beyond our church doors - many others from different churches, denominations, towns and states have joined us on our annual trips to the DR.
Check out the DR Mission Team group photos from 1990 to the present!