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Project Esperanza

Project Esperanza:
Restoring Hope in the Bateyes

Partnerships in Batey 50 and Batey 91 to Build Homes and Much More

The Transformation of Batey 91


Batey La Papita, formerly known as Batey 91, sits on a steep embankment overlooking the sugarcane fields about 45 minutes from La Romana. The village is reasonably close to a main road, but due to an old bridge washing away during Hurricane Maria in 2017, Batey La Papita is very hard to access and is somewhat isolated. 


In 2017, the DR Mission Team began work on new homes in the village, and by 2021, all shacks were rebuilt into safe, secure, cinderblock homes for families. In addition, the people of Batey La Papita were continually asking our teams to partner with them to construct a church (the village did not have one). After any generous donations, a new church in Batey La Papita was built and dedicated in July 2018. In the summer of 2019, there was a very special home dedication in honor of Dr. Jong Suk Hahn. Watch the video sharing this inspirational story.


In 2022, a huge project was undertaken to refurbish 50 living structures of the baricones (barracks) that house mostly older men without families. The final project in Batey La Papita is the construction of a community park and gazebo in the front of the batey - this was begun in 2023 and will the project will be concluded in 2024.


Please get involved in helping to transform this village and other bateyes. For more information and to support this effort, please email or call the DR Mission Team at 203-626-2239.


Batey 50 Becomes Batey Esperanza (Hope)


Batey 50, now known as Batey Esperanza, has been transformed! 


As of July 2019, this village had all new cinder block homes, a new church, a new school, a village park and gazebo, a sustainable food garden, solar panels on 20 homes to provide lights and cell phone charging, bedding for many families, and more! 


Work continues with establishing wifi for the school and the village as a whole, as well installing solar panels on each home to bring lights, cell phone charging, and radio to the people of Batey 50.


The people of Batey 50 , about a one hour drive from La Romana, DR, have been long known as the poorest of the poor. When visiting, it’s was as though you are in a place and with a people the world has forgotten. Most homes had no foundation, and their roofs werre made of banana leaves or rusted corrugated tin. Every time it rained, their beds and food supplies got soaking wet.


Over the last decade, a miraculous transformation has taken place! Back in 2006, a strong, safe church was built, and in 2010, several latrines were dug and constructed. The focus then needed to address one of their most basic life needs . . . adequate shelter.


Since then, a literal miracle has taken place:  every shack on Batey 50 has been replaced with a new living structure. These homes are small and simple, but have concrete foundations and are a safe shelter from storms. Each of these homes have been built by volunteers over the last several years through the generous donations of many individuals, churches, schools, and families.


The last major construction project included building a large park and gazebo to serve as a community center and focal point for residents. Completed in the summer of 2016, this park is now the hub of community meals, weddings, and other activities.


Praise the Lord for providing for these people in great need!


The work continues! Please get involved in helping to transform this village. For more information and to support this effort, please email or call the DR Mission Team at 203-626-2239.


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Dominican Republic Mission Team
Wallingford, Connecticut
Our call, "Here I Am, Send Me!"
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