2025 DR Mission Team Covenant
Please take the time to review this covenant and agree as part of your online application​.
Taking a large group of people to a foreign country for mission work is a huge challenge. In order to make this a positive, safe, and productive trip for all, the Haitian Missionary Baptist Church and the Good Samaritan Hospital have established the following Mission Team Covenant for all U.S. work groups to La Romana:
All DR Mission Team Members promise to:
respect others and spread good cheer to all.
respect the authority of staff at the Haitian Missionary Baptist Church and Good Samaritan Hospital, as well as the trip coordinators. (Ephesians 5:21)
participate in all designated group activities such as meals, mission work, worship, clean-up, etc., making a consistent effort to be on time to such activities.
maintain personal safety, avoiding the following: swimming alone, traveling alone, visiting bars or discos, riding mopeds or motorcycles, staying out after the group’s established curfew, etc.
abstain from smoking, alcohol, profanity, and illegal drugs during this mission trip, as well as the purchasing of alcohol and tobacco.
exhibit modesty in relations with the opposite sex.
wear clothing in keeping with local customs (conservative in general, i.e., for church: long pants with collared shirts for men, modest dresses or skirts for women).
avoid gossiping and whining - build people up and encourage one another.
voluntarily give up the right to privacy and individualism in order to live and work together as a unified team.
be slow to anger and quick to forgive. (James 1:19 and Hebrews 12:14-15).