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It's Easy and Free! Support the DR Mission Team with Amazon Smile

John Powers

Support the Dominican Republic Mission Team while you do your regular Amazon shopping!

Simply add the Dominican Republic Mission Team as your Amazon charity and they will donate to the DRMT with every purchase.

Here's how . . .

Make your regular Amazon purchases at and/or enable AmazonSmile on your Amazon mobile app.

On Amazon Mobile App

Turn on AmazonSmile on your Amazon Mobile App by tapping ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Then tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

On Desktop Browser

Step 1. Visit and be sure to select Dominican Republic Mission Team as your charity of choice.

Step 2. Sign in to your Amazon account like you normally would. Be sure to always start shopping Amazon by typing in into your browser.

Step 3. Be sure to always start your shopping on Amazon by typing in into your browser.



Talk with Us

Have a question or want more info on the DR Mission Team? Want to receive our e-newseletter? Just send us your name and contact info for more details on the Dominican Republic Mission Team, upcoming trips, support opportunities, and ways to be involved!

Dominican Republic Mission Team
Wallingford, Connecticut
Our call, "Here I Am, Send Me!"
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